China, My China

Studio Artist user Victor Ingrassia recently completed a music video called “China, My China” for the group “The Diving Bell”. “The Diving Bell” is out of Seattle, and the song and associated video were released on FIN Records. Victor had this to say about the new music video. “I’ve been working on it since last November.…

Art Pepper’s Studio Artist Music Video

If you have not heard of the legendary alto sax player and jazz musician Art Pepper you really should check out some of his music. And a great way to get started is to watch this new music video put together by his wife and long time Studio Artist user Laurie Pepper. Laurie uses…

The Big Sleep Music Video

Studio Artist user Andrew Blackwell recently made a music video for the Brooklyn band The Big Sleep that makes extensive use of Studio Artist. Andrew is a filmmaker based in New York City. Andrew creatively used Studio Artist’s Convex Hull Image Operation in various Paint Action Sequences to process different elements in the video, creating…