Stack Filtering Portrait Images

The image above is an example of stack filtering a series of painted portrait images. The individual painted portraits were generated in Studio Artist by artist Michael Wright, and are documented in his ongoing personal portrait virus blog. The Studio Artist generated image shown above is an example of stack filtering 197 individual painted portraits…

Portrait Virus 2010

Studio Artist user Michael Wright is presenting his Portrait Virus Project in the Studio of the SIGGRAPH 2010 Conference in Los Angeles from July 25th through July 29th. Wright will use Studio Artist to create portraits of attendees to form a gallery of images printed, projected, blogged at and placed in his Castle Gallery…

Michael Wright Update

Studio Artist user Michael Wright is one of the pioneer artists mentioned in a recent article by new media art historian Patric D Prince in the spring 09 issue of the ”Art Journal” published by the College Art Association. The Prince article “Imaging by Numbers: A Historical View of Digital Printmaking in America” is one…

Michael Wright’s Virtual World Project

I’ve been fascinated with Studio Artist user Michael Wright’s work with the virtual world Second Life since i was first exposed to it at Siggraph this last summer in San Diego. Michael had a virtual Studio Artist gallery space in virtual life at that time he was showing off at Siggraph in the Guerilla Studio.…

Siggraph Guerilla Studio

Siggraph is happening August 5 through 9th in San Diego this year. Guerilla Studio is a unique resource available at Siggraph every year where digital artists can have access to computers and various fine art printers and other output devices. Synthetik will be providing copies of Studio Artist 3.5 and MSG Evolver for all of…