Temporal Image Processing

One of the cool new features in Studio Artist 4 is the Temporal Image Operation processing mode. Temporal Image Operations are designed to work with loaded source video and can be used to create static processed images from video sequences, or to create interesting time based video processing effects. Each output frame generated by a…

Dimmer Remissions

Tom Dimuzio’s side project Dimmer’s latest album called Remissions features some cover artwork generated in Studio Artist 4. The cover image was generated using the new version 4 temporal image processing effects. The process used to generate the cover photo started with taking a video sequence of a moving truck. The video source footage was…

Fluid Time

One of the cool things about digital media is that you aren’t restricted to conventional limitations associated with 2D or time based traditional media. I’ve been exploring the notion of fluid time in static and moving imagery recently using beta builds of upcoming Studio Artist 4. Once you have a digital representation of motion captured…